What's the purpose of using Javascript Classes?
Classes are used to create and manage multiple Objects
Old Javascript class
function 붕어빵(title, ingredients){
this.title = title,
this.ingredients = ingredients
var 슈크림붕어빵 = new 붕어빵('슈크림붕어빵',['밀가루','물','슈크림','설탕'])
Modern Javascript class
class 모던붕어빵{
constructor(title, ingredients){
this.title = title,
this.ingredients = ingredients
let 피자붕어빵 = new 모던붕어빵('피자붕어빵',['밀가루','설탕','물','치즈','케쳡','소세지','양파','피망'])
class 모던붕어빵2{
constructor(title2:string, ingredients2:string){
this.title = title2,
this.ingredients = ingredients2
the prototype property allows you to add properties and methods to any object.
function 게임(){
this.q = 'move left';
this.w = 'move right';
게임.prototype.name = '바람의나라'
var game = new 게임()
if there is no name of game, javascript search '게임' prototype.
Array and Object have their own prototypes, so you can easily access them and coding!
'Frontend > 모던자바스크립트' 카테고리의 다른 글
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