- install yarn berry
- install Nextjs, eslint, prettier, sass
Yarn berry
npm i -g yarn
yarn create next-app
yarn set version berry
checkout the file location and if you open location, press ctrl+ '.yarn/releases/yarn-3...'
find .yarnrc.yml and remove nodeLinker: node-modules and add yarnPath
//nodeLinker: node-modules <- remove this!!
yarnPath: .yarn/releases/yarn-3.2.1.cjs
you will see results below
yarn install
add bellow on .gitignore
### yarn ###
# Not using Zero-Install
Yarn berry에서 React + Jest + Cypress + TypeScript + Github Actions CI/CD를 세팅해보자
이 글은 Yarn berry package manager를 사용하여 React 프로젝트에서 초기 세팅하는 방법을 다루고 있으며, 여러 시행착오를 겪어가며 경험한 것들을 토대로 작성한 글입니다.😉 이 글의 목적은 겪었던
A step-by-step and in-depth migration guide from Yarn 1 (Classic) to Yarn 2 (Berry).
Eslint and Prettier
luckily Eslint already installed in Next.js
Basic Features: ESLint | Next.js
Next.js provides an integrated ESLint experience by default. These conformance rules help you use Next.js in the optimal way.
and prettier
Basic Features: ESLint | Next.js
Next.js provides an integrated ESLint experience by default. These conformance rules help you use Next.js in the optimal way.
Basic Features: Built-in CSS Support | Next.js
Next.js supports including CSS files as Global CSS or CSS Modules, using `styled-jsx` for CSS-in-JS, or any other CSS-in-JS solution! Learn more here.
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